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>150 projects 24/7 support 15+ years of work



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Kyiv Cardboard and Paper Mill
Manufacturer of cardboard and paper products
Pierre Cardin Ukraine
Clothes and shoes of the world brand
Zaporizhzhia factory of non-ferrous metals
Manufacturer of cable and wire products
Electro Cable Group
Landing Page
Manufacturing of cable and conductor products
Сorporate Website
Production of urban infrastructure objects
Zakarpatskyi Mlyn
Сorporate Website
Production and sale of flour
Corporate website
Freight forwarding company
Strategic Value
Сorporate Website
Real estate in the UAE
Сorporate Website
Private Aesthetics Clinic


Landing page
Webdesign and front-end of 5 "screens". Set up one infoblock. Feedback form. Image slider.
from 600 $
Corporate website
Webdesign and front-end 6-8 pages. Set up 1-2 infoblocks. Two feedback forms. Image slider.
from 1 200 $
Webdesign and front-end 8-12 pages. Set up catalog. Catalog filters and sorting. Set up 1-2 infoblocks.
from 2 000 $
Webdesign and front-end 12-18 pages. Set up catalog. Store filters and sorting. Shopping cart. Checkout.
from 3 800 $

Web development

In fact, website development in Odesa is not as simple as it seems at first glance. Very often, advanced customers think that the projects are developed with ready-made templates, or even the programmers use to create a free website builder and still take money for it. Such companies indeed, and unfortunately, there are.

Just look at what web studios are available in the search, if you enter into Google: "Site development Odesa" or "Creating a website in Odesa", everything will fall into place. That's just some kind of "wild stuff"!

We are not saying something new, saying that we have a completely different approach to development, and it does not matter whether it is corporate websites or online shops. In simple terms, we do everything "by hand". And this is indeed the case.

The design is created with the latest Photoshop, some would say that many have moved away from it, but our designer creates miracles with the help of Adobe's tools. And we design not only the desktop version but all the necessary layouts for mobile devices, adhering to the bootstrap grid. We make sure to draw it with 320px width since this resolution is still the main one for the viewport of smartphones with higher resolution. 

Once the layouts are approved, the design is translated into code using HTML markup. "And what's the point of doing all this when you can do a website straight away?" - a more or less advanced client will ask. We answer: "And all to the fact that properly constructed website with a unique design we test on four types of devices (smartphone, tablet, laptop, widescreen monitor). All this increases the value and quality of the developed site. 

And then everything is simple. Bitrix is installed and then the modules are configured by functionality, which is pre-specified and described in the terms of reference. We launch projects, as a rule, on our dev server with a test address, test it, and only then transfer it to a working domain and open it for indexing by search engines. After the launch of the site, we easily provide services to support and SEO promotion.

Please note, if you have read this far, you probably want to create a high-quality website or online shop, and have the full right to receive a 10% discount, stating the code word "sitemap" when contacting/calling. And it does not matter where you are: in Odesa or any other city in Ukraine, we are always happy to meet or have online consultation to create and promote sites in Ukraine.


We cooperate with market leaders and together we set and achieve important business goals.


1. What does the creation of a website give to a business?

Nowadays, it is difficult to imagine a modern business that keeps up with the times without an internet page. A website always opens up unlimited possibilities for a company. The creation of a website can serve different purposes. It can be just an image component of the company, or vice versa, a tool for starting quick sales. Large-scale projects serve to represent the services and products of the company and can be transformed into either an electronic catalog or an online shop. And then there are portals and services - development projects which can perform a specific large-scale function of selling or informing a large number of users. It should not be forgotten that if a company is international in format and there is an orientation to work with specific countries - then the more language versions the site has, the larger the audience can be reached. Sites for business must necessarily be developed and promoted with the help of various Internet marketing tools. Because "just to make a website" is actually to create a dead product. And if a decade ago the creation of high-quality websites was a priority for large businesses, now a small company through a unique offer may well enter the market through online sales, even despite the high competition. The main thing is that all the work from the creation of the website to its promotion should be carried out by professionals.

2. What does website development include?

Site development includes designing the site structure and homepage, drawing up terms of reference, adaptive design and layout of the site for different types of devices, animation effects on request, and programming the functionality described in the terms of reference. Also, the creation of the site includes filling the site with the information provided in the form of photographs and texts. All information about writing texts you can find on the Copywriting service page. Sometimes we include basic site optimization in the price so that after opening the project, the site immediately starts to be correctly indexed by search engines.

3. How long does it take to develop a site?

The minimum time to create a small website, such as a Landing Page, is 3 weeks or 15 working days. The average time to develop a good and high-quality Corporate Website in practice is about 4-6 weeks, i.e. 20-30 working days. As for Online Catalogs and E-commerce, here the objective time it takes to create is from 1.5 to 3 months. The term of any project can be much longer - it all depends on whether you understand the structure of the project, and what information will be on a particular page. If you have all the materials available to post in the form of texts, photos, tables, formulas for calculations, import files, banners, etc., it will speed up the process of launching the site considerably.

4. How much does website development cost?

It is difficult to answer at once how much it costs to create a website from scratch. The cost of any project is calculated individually after communication with the client and clarification of details, or after providing a completed questionnaire for the development of the site. Nevertheless, we can say for sure below what the cost of our company will not do the development. Our projects are divided into 4 types: Landing - from 600$, Corporate Website - from 1200$, Online Catalog - from 2000$, and Online Shop - from 3800$. Want to know the cost of developing the site? Take a survey - we will make a quick calculation.

5. Why are template websites cheaper and unique development more expensive?

A template is a ready-made website development solution, with 50% of the project implemented from the start. The time spent on template customization is not commensurate with the cost of unique development. Usually, it takes 10-20 hours to work with a simple template (for us it is 300$ - 600$). In the template, you already have a made-up design and the programmer only needs to understand how everything is arranged inside and fill the site with correct information. This is why a unique development is worth its money because the project is made by a team of 3 to 5 people. And everyone makes their section of tasks for unique requirements, first of all, in design and layout. The minimum time for a unique development is 20 hours, hence the formation of our basic cost of creating the site of 600$. Creating a project on a template has its drawbacks - if you want to move away from the template and somehow develop the project outside the box, then this is most often fraught with problems, since even the simplest improvements may not be provided for by the system.

6. What is needed to create a website?

Many clients do not know where to start when developing a website. In addition, different web studios have different principles of working with customers. Therefore, let's try to answer the question - what do you need to know before creating a website? First, you need to understand who the main competitors of your company are and whether they have a website. Having analyzed the competitors' sites, you need to understand what you like about them and what you don't like. After that, it is worth thinking about the structure of your site. This is a kind of "tree" of folders, as in Windows Explorer on your computer. Next, we should decide on the main colors of the site and the key information that should be on the main page. It is very important that site visitors immediately understand what the company does and can conveniently ask a question or order a service/product. This data is enough to come to any web studio and find out the cost of the project.

7. How to order the creation of a website in our studio?

There are several ways to order a website from Cursor Web Studio. The most correct, but at the same time the longest way is to fill out an online survey or download a customer questionnaire, fill it out, and send it to our corporate email But if you're impatient, need a quicker response, and want to know right away if you're hitting the budget with our company, you can either leave a request through the forms on the website or write a brief about the project on Viber/Telegram, or WhatsApp. Alternatively, if any member of staff is online, you can contact them and have an anonymous dialogue.


Programmer's Day
Today is the 256th day of 2024 so it is the Programmer's Day. We congratulate everyone involved with the holiday and wish less bugs, more joy, successful refactoring, worthwhile projects, adequate PMs and kind teamleaders.
New diplomas are already at IT-Rating
The service announced the completion of issuing diplomas for the finalists of the rankings (TOP-10) last year in 2023. Finally, our diplomas have been added to the personal account and to the company card. We received 2 awards. 2023: Landing page developers of Ukraine - 10th place and a certificate of the winner of WEB AWARDS UA 2023. 1st place in the category "Consumer goods and trade".
We're going make it Clutch
Get two verified reviews at the service. Look up for Cursor at Clutch. We plan to verify almost all of our projects that have an English version, which is about 20 clients.
Winners at the nomination Web Awards UA 2024
Our case for the Kyiv Cardboard and Paper Mill became the winner of the All-Ukrainian competition of websites and mobile applications Web Awards UA (WAU) 2024 in the category “Consumer Goods and Trade”.
DevOps courses in exchange for donations
Combine support for the Ukrainian army with professional development! Approximately July 6, training for a new, already fifth stream of courses on DevOps practices will start.
The popular vote WEB AWARDS UA for the best websites in Ukraine has began! This year, we are submitting three projects for participation in various nominations: a corporate website for "Zaporizhzhia Plant of Non-Ferrous Metals", a catalogue for "Kyiv Cardboard and Paper Mill" and a landing page for a trader of cable and wire products "Admetos".
English version is aviable now
We have opened a English version of the site. Now our main audience is Ukrainian companies that want to go global and they need either an English version of the site or custom English-language project. These can be also foreign companies that look for developers in Ukraine to make a website for Ukrainian market.

However, we are also ready to communicate with European customers and customers from the USA and Canada without any problems. We plan futher progress of our profiles at Clutch, Behance and Linkedin.
Today, the web studio "Cursor" turns 15 years old. It has been a very long journey with its ups and downs. We can unequivocally say that for all these years we have been able to save image for our clients and partners, acting as a stronghold of stability and reliability.

We would like to wish everyone: peace, goodness and well-being. Strength and faith to our defenders. Less negativity and more joyful moments in life for everyone who knows us. And our team, as always, is glad to have the opportunity to continue doing what we love and provide high-quality services to clients and partners.

Long life, Cursor, happy birthday!
Year of the Dragon
Web studio Cursor congratulates everyone with the upcoming 2024 Year of the Green Wooden Dragon. We wish everyone a peaceful sky, strength, endurance and good luck in the New Year! . This year we develope projects using the CMS WordPress and OpenCart, and we start 14 sites of different levels of complexity. 10 site of 14 have an English version, which forces us to finish English version of our site in January and actively engage in our Behance profile. From January 1 to January 8, the studio is on vacation. Happy holidays everyone!
Rating of Web studios 2023
We're in hurry to inform you about the publication of current ratings for 2023 on the website IT Rating of Ukraine! The current results are not only an excellent opportunity to sum up the previous results of the year, but also to get acquainted with the rating of our company. We are currently on the 14th place. Results of the current rating web studio. Data collected and processed on 10/16/2023


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