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Zaporizhzhia factory of non-ferrous metals

Zaporizhzhia factory of non-ferrous metals
Zaporizhzhia factory of non-ferrous metals
Zaporizhzhia factory of non-ferrous metals

Project team:

Sergey Zhigalkin
project management
Sergey Rieznyk
Konstantin Parashchevin
frontend, backend
Zaporizhzhia factory of non-ferrous metals

About the project

We launched a large project with catalog structute for the Zaporizhzhia Factory of Non-ferrous Metals (ZFNM), the absolute leader in the market for the production and sale of cable and conductor products. At the moment, this is undoubtedly the best site catalog in our performance.

On the main page there is a slider, below description of the plant and key advantages with numbers. The next block shows the geography of the enterprise. After that there are key directions of the production. Below is the "Sales Geography" block with a map of Europe, followed by an emphasis on the most famous clients/partners.

The main feature of the project is the product catalog, which is divided into 5 product categories with a linear hierarchy, with the possibility of addition. The product card has a general template, which consists of a description, technical specification fields, certificate files, and a web form for the product request.

Also worth highlighting is the "Production" infoblock, the feature of which is the "Manufacturing benefits" page, which consists of two blocks, each of them is realized with convenient settings and includes elements of infographics and tabular comparison.

Sections "History", "Financial reporting", "Environmental reports", "Purchases", "Vacancies", "News" are realized by infoblocks. The project is bilingual and developed on CMS Word Press.
Zaporizhzhia factory of non-ferrous metals
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Step-by-step training of staff on working with WordPress CMS. The project is bilingual. Key points:

  • staff training on working with WordPress CMS;
  • development of bilingual version of the site (En, Ua).

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