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Website Maintenance Services

After website development we offer informational, technical or marketing support. Our company takes for support only Bitrix, WordPress, OpenCart and Drupal sites. Our packages require a certain number of hours that will be directed to support the stability and progress of your resource.

Type of service CURSOR 1 CURSOR 2 CURSOR 3
Upgrade to 15 pages of content + + +
Manual backup + + +
Site recovery + + +
Google Analytics and statistics reports + + +
Layout of non-standard content - + +
Content Management System consulting (phone, e-mail) - + +
Basic change of site functionality - + +
Use of webdesign services - - +
Search and processing of images - - +
Website optimization and usability consulting - - +
PACKAGE COST PER MONTH 70 $ 175 $ 350 $

If you want to replace some types of service the terms of support and their price are individually negotiated with the customer. Choose a suitable package and save time by making a smart investment.

Do you want quality site support?


We cooperate with market leaders and together we set and achieve important business goals.

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