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Voting for the best websites in the Ukraine starts in March on WEB AWARDS UA! This year we submit two projects for participation in different nominations: corporate website for the Zakarpatsky Mlyn flour producer and landing page for the cable and wire manufacturer products "ZZCM".
The growing-up period
Today, Cursor web studio turns 14 years old. Our team would like to wish everybody peace, goodness and prosperity. On days like these, we want to forget about all bad and negative things and just enjoy life, the opportunity to work and be useful to our clients and partners.
Dear mr.Rabbit
The team of the web studio congratulate everybody with the upcoming 2023 year of the Rabbit. Wish all the best, peace and good luck.

This year seemed to be difficult, but we persevered and did several projects, focusing on serving VIP customers. Our goals for 2023 are simple: strengthen ties with key clients and partners, launch English version of our site and start offering our services to the European market.
Ready for winter
Before the new year we finished two projects on WordPress: a corporate site for a flour manufacturer "Zakarpatsky Mlyn" and the landing page for the law firm "Tsulaiya, Gorbatenko and partners".
All in good time
We planned to realise a new our`s site version at the beginning of 2021. However, the reality is that it's opening took place only at the end of 2022. You are currently on the latest version of the site, which we run on October 22.
Hope to win brings victory closer
Nowdays small victories give an incentive to move on. Every year we win 1-2 nominations of the All-Ukrainian competition Web Awards UA and this year, despite all the circumstances, we did the same. Our project - the official e-commerce site of the international brand Pierre Cardin in Ukraine, has won the Web Awards UA in the nomination "Clothes and shoes".
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